Dec 12, 2011

Photographic Detritus

Ruyman getting his back waxed for the first (and last) time.

Just so you know, I didn't tweak with the color.

A common plant that grows out of roof gutters.

The two of us after the 30 hour trip to get to Tenerife.

Trading up our physiques by pretending to be Guanches.

Jessica and the Amazing Technicolored Sunburn

The tree seemingly sprouting from my head is over 1000 years old.

The tree is named El Drago.

Getting fresh with GI Joe.

Yep. That there is a dead guy in a cave. The mummy's real, by the way.

My experiences here summed up in one expression.

Ruyman hates the way he looks in this picture, but I like it so I'm posting it anyway.


A wild parrot in the park

The huge pile behind Laila is entirely made of pine needles.

Sometimes it's ridiculously pretty here.

The moon held still. I didn't.

La Laguna

The rainbow bridge: yet another reason I think Mario Kart is based on driving here in Tenerife.

That thing in the middle is a bullfighting ring.

Cruise ships from the mainland.

Somewhere towards the middle is where we live.

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