Dec 24, 2011

Silent Night?

Like many places, fireworks are a common thing here during the holidays. However, they aren’t the pretty kind. Instead, they’re the kind that make a lot of noise. The clatter isn’t regulated to one time of day, either. At anytime of the day or night, someone can light off one of those quarter stick of dynamite things and explode the neighborhood into consciousness. Sultan, Carmen’s husky mix, hates fireworks and has been barking his head off since December 1st. Lily, Carmen’s small terrier mix has been hiding under the floor mat shivering for an equal amount of time. Between the barking dogs, peeling bells, passing aircraft (we’re under the flight path to Tenerife Norte), and ceaseless explosions, it sounds a little like Christmas a la Battle of the Bulge.
Will I surrender? Nuts.

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