Dec 3, 2011

Sausage Fest

There’s a line in the movie Benny and Joon that I think about every time I go to the market here. Johnny Depp is making grilled cheeses with an iron and Joon says, “Did you know that in some countries, their culture is defined by their relationship to cheese?” 
After noticing that the cheese section at the grocery store takes up an entire aisle, I can see how this could be true. However, no matter how stinky,  moldy, or flat out delicious it is, cheese still runs a distant second to processed meats in order of national importance. Salchichas, chorizo, morcilla, and jamon serrano are just the types I know the names for. 
All the sausages have got me to thinking about Hemingway. No wonder the guy in The Sun Also Rises was so obsessed with his lacking manhood. Passing by a butcher shop is enough to make any man a little self-conscious.

Case in point.

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