Nov 11, 2011

Small Favors

People always remark on how happy individuals in poor countries seem. “How can they be so content when they have so little?” they ask. Well, being one of those poor types for the last few months, I think I can shed some light on that. When you have nothing, you appreciate everything. The following are some of the things that have lifted my spirits lately.
Discovering we have €17 in the bank instead of the €5 we were expecting.
Learning that the incessant itching on my scalp is caused by dry skin, rather than a small insect metropolis.
Figuring out how to check out ebooks on my Kindle so I don’t have to read The Autobiography of Ben Franklin yet again.
Finding an extra Euro in a pants pocket or on the street.
Somebody feeding you. (That’s the real reason we go to visit people, actually. I haven’t been this excited about free food since college.)
Having a night free of excessive barking and howling from the local canine population.
Driving in a vacuumed car.
Walking on a floor free of dog pee.
Finding out that the nausea I’ve been experiencing the last month was full-body culture shock, rather than pregnancy. (We would love a kid, just not when we’re so ridiculously flat broke.)
Having an empty mason jar to drink tea out of. (Those of you who know me well know I prefer jars to mugs or glasses. Beats me why.)
Having over the counter meds on hand like Pepto Bismol and IB Profin.
TV shows in English. Yes, they’re generally things like The Adventures of Strawberry Shortcake, but beggars can’t be choosers.
Squishing cockroaches laden with eggs and knowing that it was one small step for man, one giant leap in the quest for cockroach genocide.
Last but not least, hearing from you folks. It’s nice to know the outside world still exists.

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