Nov 8, 2011

Heigh Ho

I haven’t worked in five months. My life consists of going to the beach, doing paperwork, waiting in enormous lines in government offices, helping Ruyman clean up dog poop, taking naps, blogging, and checking Facebook. Except for the poo and the paperwork, there isn’t a whole lot that’s productive on that list. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to do anything useful, though some days that’s true. It’s that I haven’t been allowed to do anything, at least in an economic sense. But all that changed today.
After waiting in a long line, a unenthused man in spectacles rubber stamped my paperwork, stapled on my picture, and handed me this ridiculously unofficial-looking slip of paper that magically enables me to work. 
Wielding my magic paper, I hustled over to Leslie’s office. Leslie is a Bostonian who’s made his way running an English school in Tenerife for the last 20 years. He and I had already spoken and he was willing to employ me on condition that I become legal. He made good on his promise and I taught my first class last night. Once we’ve worked out a schedule, I should be working pretty steadily mornings and evenings.
I have mixed feelings about going back to work. On the one hand, we need the money. Really badly. I don’t think I’ve been this poor ever, and it’s not a ton of fun. Also, it’s a teaching job without any grading attached, which is kind of an empowering idea. On the other hand, I’ve really enjoyed the time I’ve had to kick back and spend time with Ruyman. He hasn’t landed a job yet, so he’s going to be dinking around the house for a while longer. 
PS - Speaking of long lines, if anyone’s looking to make a killing in the European market right now, I highly recommend buying stock in companies that make those “Take a number” gizmos. They’re everywhere, from the grocery store to the pharmacy and beyond. I think the entire society here would collapse if someone stopped telling people whose turn it is.

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