Nov 4, 2011

Giving Thanks

It’s November. Some people seem to think that counting your blessings this time of year is really cool, so I thought I’d take a crack at it. Here are some things I’m really glad I have.
Low-heeled black boots. They’re stylish, have a high enough heel to keep my pant legs from wicking up pee, and they cover the fact that I’ve gone native and haven’t shaved my legs in a month.
Noise-blocking headphones. It’s not that they’re plugged into anything, either. I stick them in when Carmen has the music in the car cranked up. It’s so loud we could get hit by an airplane and still only hear “Eres Tu.” With the headphones, I still hear the music but it isn’t loud enough to gelatinize my brain.
Pepto Bismol. Living in a place where people don’t know about proper refrigeration, it really comes in handy.
Headlamps. Most of the lighting in the house is natural, so when it’s rainy or the sun goes down, it gets pretty dark. We’ve used the headlamps as a spotlight for video chats, a light source while doing nighttime repairs, and a collar for Laila when we go for night walks on the beach. (Black dog, dark night - you understand).
The LDS Scriptures on iPod. They’re portable, easily searchable, and killer for cross-referencing. Plus, it gives me something to do during church when the speaker is mumbling, crying, and spouting off nonsense. Yeah, it looks like I’m playing Angry Birds, but I’m being religious. Most of the time.
Yep, there are some pretty great things in my life. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta find my headphones. Carmen’s turned the radio on.

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