Oct 20, 2011

The Treasure Hunt

I know more than the average bear about immigration. My husband and I worked through the process in the US for the last four years, ultimately arriving at his citizenship this past summer. The journey was arduous, expensive, and time consuming. We’d check the website, find out what needed to be filled out and when, send it in, and wait however long it took to hear back. Though parts were confusing, we generally knew what was expected of us.
Things are a little different here in Spain. Doing citizenship stuff here is like going on a treasure hunt. Someone tells you that you need to get this paper at this office. You go. You may or may not get the paper, but you’ll always get the name of a different paper in a different place that you need to get. You go there. The process repeats itself for weeks at a time.
The good news is that it doesn’t cost much, if anything. And the better news is that I think - I think - I only have three more stops to go. One paper, fingerprints, and then the Spanish version of a Green card. I think.

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